Sunday, July 3, 2016

Lynx 0.86 Released

Lynx updated to version 0.86 with following changes:
  • Wave Editor Modifier: Added Multiply Abs Copy, Reduce Resolution.
  • Changed from right click to double click for Wave Editor Amount knob reset, right click chooses reset position.
  • Pitch knob double click to reset.
  • Fixed a bug with low/high pitches.


  1. I downlaoded this plugin it plays fine but the interface with all the knobs and controls did not come up when using the plugin . It only shows a series of sliders which is less that attractive or user friendly

    1. Hmm, that sounds strange. What host/DAW/program do you use? Is it the the hosts standard sliders, for VSTs without GUI that show up?

    2. Having the same issue in the current version of Reaper 64bit. No Gui, just Reaper´s generic parameter sliders. Perhaps he´s using the same. The Gui worked properly before.

  2. I'm using FLstudio and don't get the GUI, just a series of knobs using the default host graphics

  3. Although I am running my VSTs on linux, I also had the same graphics problem (no GUI). The earlier version of Lynx worked fine.

  4. My old computer broke, so the latest version was made on a different computer. I Don't yet know if it's because of that or something with the code. I'll get reaper and try to see how I can fix the GUI. Thanks everyone for reporting about the bug. (I use Buzz in which the GUI works, so I was not aware of the problem).

    1. Ok I think I know what it is now! I forgot to register synthedit on the new computer. Fix coming soon!

  5. New version is uploaded! It should show the GUI now. Thanks everyone for the bug reports.
